The Women in Property Management Networking Event was created by Alecia Allan-Vanderbilt for Women’s career advancement in Commercial Real Estate Property Management. You look at top leadership in the CRE industry and you still see male dominance. For women in this siloed field to have opportunities for leadership roles at the top we created this event. It brings together the best female property managers and the top decision makers in NYC so that these female PM’s can meet, greet and get to know the top hiring decision makers of the industry.
As an extra layer of value, our events will feature a guest panel of female executives within the Commercial Property Management industry in efforts to share knowledge and insight on how to advance in this field. We want the women who attend these events to have the opportunity to learn from other women leaders on what it took for them to get to the top. Each event Alecia moderates a panel of questions answering some of the most pressing and valuable questions the audience might have on how to move forward with their career.
Lastly our goal is to always host these events for FREE. With all of the economic disparities women face in the workplace we do not want to hold back women from career advancement with issuing an entry fee that may hold back some excellent talent from attending.
To fund these events, we look for partnerships and sponsorships from exclusive strategic partnerships with select vendors who may want the opportunity to connect with this exclusive group.